Wednesday, 26 November 2008


There's not many people I look up to. Not because there aren't a lot of great people, but because it's all relative to comparison. I'm always going to be morally sounder than Hitler, but not o good as Gandhi. Looking up or down in status seems sometimes a wasted effort. However there are those that aren't better than others, but inspire. I like how Beyonce (apart from the outfit)seems to have disregarded the generic 'sexy video' and just outright shows us what she's really got. Unconventional style of dancing too, but undeniable that it has taken a shed load of skill to execute. Awesome.

Sorry about quality only embedded one available.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008


..Okay so since I last talked to myself on the WWW in the form of a blog Barrack Obama was voted president of US. Enjoyed a murder mystery party at Halloween, turned out I was the murderer, awesome!!

James and I did a shoot with BMTH. I got to smear the showers with blood to try and replicate a scene from Saw. See-saw. Also smear a bit of blood on the boys(older than me yet still more vulnerable), and tie them up. They are also featured on Jims site where I do all the wordy bits.

Haven't seen my Nephew for a while (few months), but apparently he's taken a liking to saying 'hey gorgeous' to everyone, and has befriended a girl called Sienna at Nursery. Shall I warn him now, or let him learn from his own mistake?

Some preaching...

Kids at school made fun of me for being able to milk a cow. Pretty funny, as it is only recently that I have been becoming more aware of the cultural difference between myself and the city kids. I feel saddened sometimes, as many would have benefited from the privilege of fresh air, healthy food, strangers always saying hello to one another, and basically a belief that life in it's most basic of form still has it's benefits. Unfortunately all many have come to know are the Selfridges window arrangements. Eg this year it is themed 'More is More', as opposed to the obvious 'less is more'. Consume, consume, consume I hear them cry. "How fabulous to drape ourselves in the misfortune of others". Really people everything in moderation. I know this month I treated myself to some £200 Firetrap boots (paid £80) and a Vivienne Westwood tank top £100 (£10 Cancer Research), regardless there must be a limit?

Even though I said I would put some positive stuff on here I hope by making people aware that is a form of positivity, so on that note if you like to know about conspiracies (real ones), then you'll love this...WARNING, educational value, may be unsuitable for the American featured on it!